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The Elon Effect: Do Elon Musk’s Antics Affect TESLA Stock Prices?

Do Elon Musk’s actions really impact TESLA stock prices? With Elon Musk consistently making headlines with his controversial tweets, Astrato Data Visualization Developer Stephanie French built this dashboard to see if there’s a correlation between the headlines of Elon Musk and the stock price of TESLA, his only publicly-traded company.Β 

This dashboard showcasing the β€˜Elon Effect’ was created using data found in Kaggle that analyzed the sentiment of Elon Musk’s tweets. In Snowflake, Stephanie then created code to separate keywords to show what topics Elon was talking about. This dashboard showcases how interactive Astrato can be by using filtering and tool tips.

To use the dashboard, choose a headline involving Elon Musk to see the TESLA stock price the week before and after Elon made the headlines.

Bar Charts
Line Charts
Scatter Charts
Combo Chart
Heatmap Charts

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