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Live query analytics: Unlocking your data story and scaling your business

As every data-minded organization knows, unlocking your ‘data story’ is key to success. Agile, efficient, and optimized business-decisions are made when data insight is readily available – not just to the board but to every department across the business. But how do you make this data easily available for your entire organization without jeopardizing the accuracy and safety?

First, we need to look at how this data is accessed and how that access is managed. With the vast majority of data stored in the cloud, businesses need to find a way for this data to be accessible but remain safe and accurate. As soon as data is moved, it becomes at risk of modification. Any slight alteration can completely change its meaning and, more importantly, how it is interpreted. With data being used to guide critical business decisions, this can have far-reaching consequences.

The solution?

Keep the data where it lives.

The value of secure data

If businesses can live-query within the cloud so there is no data movement, then instantly the value and accuracy of the data is cemented, and you have a single source of truth. Data remains up-to-date, giving businesses confidence that the data analyzed, and the insight gathered and used as the basis of decisions is representative of the truth in that moment, rather than skewed by out-of-date or inaccurate data. Writeback also means that during analysis, data can be created, updated, and edited directly back to the source, closing the analytics loop.

Improving data management to free up resources

From a security and governance perspective, keeping the data where it lives has a significant impact on compliance protocols. By using a live-query data analytics approach, organizations can authorize access to a wider group of employees with the confidence that data will remain secure and easily located, if required. It also gives greater visibility over who has access to a source of data at any given time so if compliance procedures need to be investigated, the right information is on hand.

With data sources becoming bigger than ever before, data management across multiple systems can very quickly become unwieldy. When data is moved between different sources, time needs to be spent on data wrangling, cleaning, discovery, and management. If data doesn’t move, this element of data management can become obsolete. Data professionals are freed up to focus on advancing data analytics within their organization.

Live querying data at its sources also minimizes the time spent on overall infrastructure and systems. By having to remove data to analyze in another source, it increases the chances that something could go wrong – whether that’s system failure or data being moved to risky and unsafe locations that can’t be traced.

Boosting performance and business value with the right architecture

From a performance perspective, the load times to access data transforms to milliseconds rather than minutes, hours or perhaps even longer! The ability to live-query does what it says on the tin
 data is always up-to-date for instant decision-making. This improves the users experience, alleviates the pressure on data professionals and gives the business confidence that the data at the heart of their businesses story is the truth.

With a growing number of people and teams within an organization that need access to data and use this data to build their strategies and decisions, it has never been more important for businesses to have easily, scalable analytics. Bringing data to life with powerful visualizations unlocks the value of data further for the entire organization. With easy-to-use advanced dashboarding – where context, commentary and logic can be added to data analysis, not only does more value and insight become available but it’s easy for people to understand and use.

Data-minded businesses that mobilize easy access for all without the burden being placed on a team of data professionals to extract insights, will see significant benefits to the growth and success of their business.