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Astrato’s Dashboard Checklist

How do you know when your dashboard is ready to share? This can be a difficult question to answer. Creating an effective data dashboard requires careful planning and attention to detail to ensure that the data is presented in a way that is both accurate and meaningful.Β 

I’ve always had lots of little details that I look for to make sure my dashboard is ready, but trying to remember them on the fly every time I made a dashboard meant that some things were inevitably forgotten. I wanted to create a checklist so that I knew my work was consistently high quality, accessible, and ready to share.

So I created a checklist of best practices for creating a dashboard that covers everything from graphs to design. This checklist is designed to help you create a dashboard that is accurate, easy to use, and accessible to everyone.

The first section covers graphs: what’sΒ  in them and how they are designed, ensuring that the data is being displayed in the best way to convey insight:

The next section is all about text: focusing on what you say and making sure that it’sΒ  readable and understandable. Color and design are the last two sections: with helpful reminders of how our eyes take in information, and how visual layout can inform the user.Β 

Creating a dashboard can be a long process. From processing and analyzing data, determining what needs to be presented and how, and finding a design to convey it all effectively, it can be difficult to know when you’re truly done. By following this checklist, you can be confident that your dashboard is ready to share!Β 

Astrato is a next-generation data visualization and analytics solution which can empower everyone with cutting-edge Business Intelligence. Take advantage of real-time analytics today and stay ahead of your competition! Astrato is a trusted Snowflake Technology Partner and is free for up to 5 users, so why not get started today with a quick demo.